Class of 2019
High School: St. Mary’s Academy
Career Aspiration: Pediatric Oncologist
Leadership & Legacy Project:
Interested in learning more about pediatric oncology, I was given the opportunity to be mentored by Phoebe Harvey, the head of oncology for Kaiser Permanente. I was lucky enough to spend the day learning about what oncologists do by shadowing Phoebe during her normal work day. For the legacy aspect of this project I wrote a pamphlet about the Gardasil vaccine to help spread awareness about the dangers of HPV and the cancers this vaccination can prevent. For the leadership portion, I cut out and sewed together over twenty hats for infants with cancer and donated them to a children’s hospital.
Favorite Memory:
On the middle school wilderness camping trip, navigating a 12-mile hike, washed-out pick-up zone and a baby, but knowing that our teachers would get us home safely.
Tips for younger students:
“Appreciate your time here, although you might you still have multiple years left at Marylhurst, it doesn’t mean it will last forever.”
High School: Oregon City High School
Career Aspiration: Special Forces
Leadership & Legacy project:
Mentor: Brian Dueltgen, LRS Architect
Commercial Architecture Company Based in Portland
This year, for my Leadership and Legacy project, I studied architecture with the firm LRS Architects. My mentor, along with other Partners and Associate Partners, walked me through the process of designing a building. I learned about what it means to be an architect and the design process involved. For the Leadership portion of my project, I stayed on top of my project and met my deadlines. The culmination of this is my slideshow, which shows my project in its final form. For the written portion of my project, I wrote a research paper about architecture in the past and the present. Regarding the Legacy aspect of my project, I plan to donate the plans and research to the the school so there is a choice when designing a multi-purpose room in the new location.
Favorite Memory:
During the first Jog-a-Thon at Barclay, my grandma pledged $10 per lap because I said I would run six laps, I ran 36.
Tips for younger students:
“Always have a plan for homework. It will always help to improve time management.”
High School: Tualatin High School
Career Aspiration: Dermatologist, Plastic Surgeon, Large Animal Veterinarian
Leadership & Legacy Project:
This year, with the help of my mentor, Kristen Vollan and Jill Bixby (who assisted with my business plan) I learned how to construct an equine related executive summary. For the written piece, I created a business plan for my future company. For my Leadership portion, I held an art camp for kindergarten through third grade students, which raised $200 towards the “Road Home” campaign. I also constructed an 8ft by 4ft mural to donate to the school for my legacy. My mural is a portrait of a horse stampede, which portrays my love of horses. The mural was created using the handprints of primary and middle school students.
Favorite Memory:
There are so many! However, the one that comes to mind is during 2’s class at the Barclay building. I would come in each morning, walk over to the easel, strip down to my underwear, and paint my whole body. Then, throughout the various songs and other entertaining learning games, would sing Sweepy Sweepy about ten times through. Finally, I would roll on the floor and have nap time on big blue mats.
Tips for younger students:
“If responsibility and good management skills come to you easily, go above expectations but stay humble. And for those who struggle, failure is the figurative condiment that gives success its flavor in the end.”
High School: Milwaukie Academy of the Arts
Career Aspiration: Author, Amateur Street Comedian
Leadership & Legacy Project:
Mentor: Rachel Neff P.H.D.
Owner of Exceptional Editorial and Published Author
For my Leadership and Legacy Project, I chose to write a book. The struggles of writing a book cannot be easily expressed in a single word. I found my mentor, set up meetings, wrote as much as I could, made backstories for many characters, including some that were deleted, and set my own deadlines. All this was done while still actively participating in baseball, school, and the middle school play Spoon River Anthology. My book is called Skyfall. I am leaving behind a copy of the book as part of my legacy.
Favorite Memory:
My favorite memory will be my graduation. I’m sure it will be very memorable and exciting to be at a different school but also very sad to leave behind the one that has been my home for these eight or so years in total.
Tips for younger students:
“A different version of you exists in the minds of everyone you know.”
High School: Edison High School
Career Aspiration: Forensic investigation/ Medical examination
Leadership & Legacy Project:
Mentor: Kimberly Dileo
Multnomah Crime Scene Investigation
Originally sparked by my interest in the TV show N.C.I.S., I spent the year looking into different parts of forensic science and how it is used to solve crimes. With my mentor, Kimberly Dileo, I learned about taking a fingerprint ID, how to do fiber analysis, and how to build a case file. I toured the Multnomah County crime lab and met with the Clackamas County Coroner Office where I got to tour the rooms where autopsies are performed. For leadership part of my project I wrote a book titled, Forensic Science for Middle School, and also created a pamphlet that informs high school students about different jobs available to them in the forensic field. For the legacy piece of my project I am leaving behind a copy of my book for the school library.
Favorite Memory:
I loved the Raven camping trip to the beach. Grace, Sophia, Laura and I were sleeping in our yurt, when Nate woke us up at 5:00 am! Laura looked for Nate, but he ran into the woods. We were tired because we had started our day way too early, but we stayed with the group as we all explored the beach.
Tips for younger students:
“Having a friend during your middle school years helps you get through this time in your life.”