Celebrating Success: Heron's Class Students Shine in Cascadia Youth Poetry Contest

We are excited to announce that some of the students in our Heron’s class (grades 6-8) have achieved outstanding success in the 23rd annual Cascadia Youth Poetry Contest! Out of the 10 awards in Division II (grades 6-8), our talented poets have secured an impressive 9 awards and a Marylhurst alumnus won one of the Division III (grades 9-12) awards. All of the winners and their poems can be found in Cascadia 2023.

These young writers have not only displayed their exceptional talent but also highlighted the power of their voices. We are incredibly proud of their remarkable achievements. Each poet received a prize of $50 and have had their poems published in the Cascadia 2023 [online].

To celebrate their accomplishment, the winners were invited to read their poems during a special Zoom Celebration hosted by the Oregon Poetry Association on June 1, 2023. Unfortunately, our students were not able to attend as they were busy performing in their school play, “Campfolks” which was written and performed by the students.

Cascadia, the Oregon Youth Poetry Contest, an annual statewide competition, serves to nurture the talent of young Oregon poets from kindergarten through 12th grade by providing an opportunity for their poems to be widely shared, published and celebrated.  We are grateful to Cascadia for supporting creativity and honoring the poetic expression of our students.

Congratulations to each of our award-winning poets. Your achievement is a testament to your unique voice and the support and guidance of our exceptional teachers.

We would also like to express our gratitude to the Oregon Poetry Association for providing this wonderful opportunity and hosting the Zoom Celebration. Your commitment to promoting the power of poetry and nurturing young talents is inspiring.

Let's join together in applauding our remarkable poets!  May their words continue to inspire us all.


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